Hello, World.

I'm Amanj Adnan

Back-end Developer Ruby on Rails Developer

More About Me

Let me introduce myself.

Profile Picture

Hi, I'm Amanj Adnan From Iraqi-Kurdistan,I'm 24 years old And I graduate from Salahaddin University as a software engineer,I announce my self as a Backend developer ...


I'm a Motivated and highly productive Backend Developer professional with a research background.I'm using many technologies in my daily work, But mainly I'm using Ruby on Rails also I'm using (php Laravel , javascript,Mysql,posgresql)

  • Fullname: Amanj Adnan Omar
  • Birth Date: May 04, 1999
  • Job: Back-end Developer
  • Website: www.amanj.dev
  • Email: amanjadnan7@gmail.com


  • Ruby on Rails
  • Laravel
  • JQuery
  • PostgreSql
  • javascript

More of my credentials.

Work Experience

Backend Developer

Jan 2023 - Present


  • Developed and implemented Warehouse Management System (WMS):
    • Designed and implemented a comprehensive WMS from scratch, enabling efficient inventory management, order fulfillment, and logistics tracking.
    • Streamlined warehouse operations, resulting in improved inventory accuracy, reduced manual errors, and increased productivity.
  • Integrated Point of Sale (POS) and Purchase Order Processing (POP):
    • Integrated the WMS with the POS and POP modules, creating a seamless flow of data between sales transactions, purchase orders, and inventory management.
    • This integration enhanced order processing efficiency, reduced data duplication, and provided real-time inventory visibility.
  • Enhanced Zibox e-commerce platform:
    • Played a key role in enhancing the Zibox e-commerce platform by implementing new features, improving user experience, and optimizing performance.
    • Collaborated with the team to identify areas for improvement, implement innovative solutions, and ensure the platform met the evolving needs of customers and businesses.

Backend Developer

July 2021 - Dec 2022


Taking a part of the Jiasaz Team as a backend developer developing many ERP projects like accounting and management systems by using PHP Laravel as well as blade template engine and Jquery also using MySql as a database

Backend Developer

June 2020 - June 2021

Spark Foundation

Taking part in a team of five developers, working remotely with the project manager, developing the backend for an E-learning platform with Ruby on Rails (using PostgreSQL for the database)


Bachelor’s degree

July 2017 - June 2021

Salahaddin University

I've Bachelor’s degree of Software engineering and I graduated from Salahddin University which is one of the best universities in my country

Check Out Some of My Works.


You can find my articls in dev.to Click.

Where to find me

Company Street
Erbil, Erbil

Email Me At


Call Me At

Fax: (+964) 750 846 8919